experts in aluminium
GLEICH Aluminium
Our products
The focus of our product range is on our self-manufactured G.AL® aluminium cast plates. But aluminium rolled plates of various alloys are also available. See for yourself!
G.AL® precision plates
our concept of precision
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G.AL® C250
highest precision with extremly low tension
G.AL® C250
for optimal results in anodizing
G.AL® C330
highest precision at high strength
G.AL® C330
Six-sides sawn plates
absolutely stable at very high cutting degrees
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G.AL® C210R
sawn on all sides (alloy EN AW-5083) – for a variety of applications suitable
G.AL® C210R
G.AL® C330R
higher strength, six-sides-saw cast plate (alloy EN AW-7021) – charcterised by its dimensional stabilty and its very low stress
G.AL® C330R
for applications under dynamic loads
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Special products (alloy EN AW-5083) for apllications under dynamic loads – free of microporosity
higher strength DYNAMIC type (alloy EN AW-7021)f0r pneumatic und hydraulic applications.
GLEICH Aluminum is one of the leading producers in the global aluminum precision plate market due to its worldwide unique production with its own, electrically operated heat treatment plant.
The brand name G.AL® stands for extremely low distortion, dimensionally stable and homogeneous aluminium precision and mould plates of a consistently good quality.
Our highly automated production enables us to supply you with competitive and high quality aluminum semi-finished products. As one of the world’s leading manufacturers, we do not rest, but continuously develop our materials in order to be able to offer you the optimal solution for your applications.
Plates & Cuttings
In our modern cutting centers in Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic, we manufacture customer-specific cuts with the highest precision.
Please send us your request.
Our Services
From aluminium slab, over the plate and customised cuttings up to finished component: The Experts in Aluminium of GLEICH stand with you !

Plates & Cuttings
Plates & Cuttings
- Plate sizes up to 2.160 x 4.000 mm
- individual cuttings from 30 x 50 mm
- maximum plate thickness up to 1.070 mm
- Tolerances for Plates and Cuttings according to the product data sheets of each product.

Discs and contour cuttings
Discs & Contour cuttings
Discs and rings
- Band sawn up to 2.200mm
- waterjet cut up to 2.16
Contour cuttings
- Laser beam cut up to 10 x 2.160 x 4.000 mm
- band sawn up to 600 x 2.160 x 4.000 mm
- Waterjet cut up to 220 x 1.570 x 6.000 mm or 220 x 2.160 x 4.000mm

CNC machining
CNC Machining
Our CNC production is completely specialized in aluminum. We have tools and machining processes that are optimally tailored to our material.
With us you buy directly from the manufacturer and have one contact person from production to the finished drawing part.

Surface treatment
Surface treatment
The surfaces of aluminum components can be refined using a variety of processes.
Without additional surface protection, the majority of which is provided by various anodizing processes, high-quality surfaces can hardly be protected permanently from mechanical, thermal and chemical loads.
Drawing-Parts according to your wishes
For more than 30 years we are dealing with aluminium. Besides the production of low-stress aluminium cast plates, we have our own CNC production, which has been completely dedicated to aluminium.
This helps us to combine our product know-how with our CNC know-how and finally to choose the best material together with the for this material optimised machining processes.
The perfect Look!
In addition to the technical requirements on surface processes such as anodising or powder coating, the optical requirements are increasing continuously. We face this challenge and can offer you the best results by combining our know-how from the fields of material science and surface processes.
Aluminium Know-How
You can benefit from our aluminium experience. You do not know exactly which alloy is the best one for you application? What is the best cutting speed for different alloys? Why you must not etch aluminium cast plates? Please send us your questions, the Experts in Aluminium of GLEICH are here to help!
GLEICH Aluminium Knowledge
Heat treatment without usage of natural gas
How a German aluminium plate producer is on a worldwide solo attempt and sets new quality standards.
Frustration when producing threads
It doesn’t have to!
By using a process that is aligned to the specific material, durable external and internal threads can be produced in a flash.
Heat treatment of aluminium
GLEICH Aluminium is one of the few manufacturers of aluminium cast plates with an in-house heat treatment facility.
But what actually happens during the heat treatment process and why it is necessary?